The Ongoing IEP Process

An Individual Education Plan (IEP) must be reviewed regularly to ensure that it continues to meet the student’s needs

  • Your child’s teacher and school team are responsible for implementing the IEP.
  • Invite and encourage your child to take an active role in the design and review of the IEP to the greatest degree possible.​
  • Advocate that external community supports (speech pathologists, social workers, elders and knowledge keepers, etc) who are currently working with your child are included to provide input and participate in the IEP process/review.

What should I do if I have questions or concerns about the IEP? ​

Direct any questions about your child's programming needs to the classroom teacher and/or Special Education teacher.  If your concerns are not met, then it may be necessary for the principal and/or the Special Education Coordinator to get involved. It is important to keep the focus on your child's best interests and keep the lines of communication open. ​