Examples of Accommodations

(Source: Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12; pages E39)

Instructional Accommodations

Buddy/peer tutoring

Note-taking assistance

Duplicated notes


Scaffolding learning

Clustering learning

Descriptive feedback from peers

Reinforcement incentives

Highly structured approach


Ability grouping

Augmentative and alternative communications systems

Assistive technology, such as text-to-speech software

Video recordings of lessons for intensive review at a later time

Graphic organizers

Non-verbal signals

Organizational coaching

Pictoral schedules to assist in making transitions

Time-management aids

Mind maps

More frequent breaks

Concrete/hands-on materials


Tactile tracing strategies

Gesture cues

Dramatizing information

Visual cueing

Large-size font

Tracking sheets

Colour Cues

Reduced/uncluttered format

Computer options

Spatially cued formats

Repetition of information

Rewarding/rephrasing of information

Extra time for processing

Word-retrieval prompts

Taped texts

Environmental Accommodations

Alternative work space

Strategic seating

Proximity to instructor

Reduction of audio/visual stimuli

Study carrel

Minimizing of background noise

Quiet setting

Use of headphones

Special lighting

Assistive devices or adaptive equipment

Assessment Accommodations

Extended time limits

Verbatim scribing

Oral responses, including recorded responses (audio

or video)

Alternative settings

More frequent breaks

Assistive devices or adaptive equipment

Prompts to return student’s attention to task

Chunking of assessment tasks over time

Allowing a choice as a demonstration of learning

Augmentative and alternative communications systems

Assistive technology, such as speech-to-text software

Large-size font

Colour cues

Reduced/uncluttered format

Computer options

Extra time for processing

Reduction in the number of tasks used to assess a concept or skill