What are the goals of the IEP?

An IEP includes the following information:​
  • Your child’s strengths and needs;​
  • Special education programs and/or services your child requires; ​
  • Annual Goals: what your child is expected to learn in a school year; ​
  • Learning Expectations: what your child will learn in a reporting term;​
  • Accommodations: supports and services your child requires in order to learn at their current grade level;​
  • Modifications: changes made to the current grade level expectations in order to meet your child’s learning needs. These can include specific changes to the current grade level expectations and expectations that are taken from a different grade level within the Ontario curriculum;​
  • Alternate Programs: what your child will be learning that is not part of the Ontario curriculum;​
  • Teaching Strategies: what will be used to teach;​
  • Assessment Methods: how your child’s progress will be evaluated;​
  • Transition Planning: written plans outlining specific goals, supports, roles, and responsibilities as well as timelines for different types of transitions (i.e., transitioning within the school or to other schools)