What is an IPRC?

The decision made by the IPRC is identifying that your child fits within a special educational category. As determined by the Ministry of Education Categories and Definitions of Exceptionalities, the purpose of these categories is for programming and supporting your child in their learning journey.

The IPRC will also determine your child’s placement for learning.​

  • It is a formal committee that follows regulated steps and timelines​
  • It includes educators, parents and your child if they are 16 years of age or older.
  • A parent can bring an advocate or support person to the meeting​.
  • It is focused on education programming, identification, and placement of your child​.
  • It is based on:​
    • Your child’s strengths and needs​
    • Evaluations, medical or learning assessment data
The IPRC meets at least once per year - meetings can be held multiple times a year to ensure that programming and placement is meeting the needs of your child. After your child has been in a special education program for three months, you can request a review IPRC meeting.