step 2

The IPRC Meeting

During the Meeting: What Can You Expect?

Step 1: The meeting should begin with the host or “chair” of the meeting (often the Principal) introducing everyone at the table, explaining their roles, and the purpose for the meeting.

​Step 2: The chair will make sure that everyone has the same information to refer to throughout the meeting.​

It is ok to ask for a short break during the meeting to gather your thoughts. This is also the time for your advocate to share what they are hearing and the questions you (or they) can ask.

​Step 3: Once the team (usually made up of 3 members of the school board, often the Principal and/or Supervisory Officer) looks over all the documentation a decision will be made. ​

​Step 4: You will be asked to sign “The Statement of Decision”. You do not need to sign the statement if you do not agree with it or you need additional time or information to make an informed decision.

​Step 5: Once the meeting is over, and if the paperwork has been signed, you will receive all the information about your child’s programming in written format.​