Placements for Learning

Placements refer to what type of classroom or learning support would best meet the needs of your child who is receiving special education services and programming. The placement will be clearly outlined in the IEP.  There are 5 types of special education placements;​

Select any of the below to see more information:

Your child will placed in a regular class for the entire day, and the teacher receives specialized consultative services. ​

Your child will be placed in the regular class for most or all of the day and receives specialized instruction, individually or in a small group, within the regular classroom from a qualified special education teacher.

The student is placed in the regular class and receives instruction outside of the classroom for less than 50 percent of the school day, from a qualified special education teacher.

Your child will be placed in a special education class for at least 50 per cent of the school day, but is integrated with a regular class for at least one instructional period daily.​

Your child will be placed in a special education class for the entire school day.​